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Truck Accident Attorneys In Minneapolis, Minnesota

Getting hit by a commercial truck is difficult enough without taking on the trucking companies solo. Minneapolis truck accident lawyer Thomas Beedem and his Minneapolis-based team at Beedem Law are here to help you.

Truck accidents are a unique class of motor vehicle accidents. While the physical impact of a commercial truck is most often more devastating than a personal car, the impact of the legal complications can be just as daunting. While disputes regarding personal car accidents are handled between private citizens, a commercial truck accident leaves an individual to go head-to-head with a corporation that already has a legal apparatus in place to dismantle the individual’s claims.

When a commercial vehicle collides with your personal car, you also collide with a host of legitimate anxieties:

  • Will you ever fully recover?
  • How long will the healing process take?
  • How will you come up with the resources to pay for your care?

These questions may feel overwhelming as if there were no possible answer. But the solution is simple: Resolving these problems will require the support of a dedicated legal team that will work to secure the settlement you deserve so that you can pay for your medical treatment and continue your life.

Need Help Resolving These Issues?


Is The Legal Process For Truck Accidents More Complex Than For Car Accidents?

Too many truck accident victims make the costly mistake of hiring a personal injury lawyer who does not have the training or experience to properly handle truck accident claims.

A truck accident triggers a legal process that is profoundly different from the one that ensues following a personal auto accident. The truck companies have an army of insurance companies working for them who will immediately begin gathering as much evidence against your claim as possible. This evidence includes witness testimony, the black box from the truck that hit you, documentation about the driver’s history with the company, and more. With this cache of evidence in place, the insurance company begins building a case against you while you are still recovering from your injuries.

Why Choose Us?

Many lawyers do not have the training or expertise to handle the intensity of the defense case that will result. With so much at stake, there is no margin for error when fighting truck companies. You have one chance to make your case, and it has to be handled correctly the first time.