Having been injured by a third party, whether it be from a car accident or other incident, you are probably wondering what kind of damages you or a loved one can get from your injuries. Well there are more than a few ways in which you can claim damages. There are two basic categories: economic and non-economic damages.
Take a look at them separately in order to get a clear feel for what these two categories are, so you can see what kinds of damages you can claim for your specific case. It’s very important to assess what kind of damages you’re suffering from before you consult a professional. When we have all the information, we can build the best case for you.
Economic Damages. This is anything that costs you money in result of the injury. This can include medical bills, loss of wages, property damages—basically you can claim damages for any costs that have incurred from your injury. Calculate all of these costs plus your potential costs for future care in order to help you completely recover from your injury. When you get everything in order, you then need to get in touch with an attorney who will help you come up the necessary action plan to make sure you receive everything you deserve.
Non-Economic Damages. This category has to do with all other types of inconveniences or life changing factors that have taken place as a result of your injury. Things such as mental anguish, emotional stress, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of mobility, and pain and suffering are all under the category of non-economic damages. These types of damages can cause an extended amount of distress, if you feel any early symptoms, you need to get in touch with the right professionals immediately to get the necessary medical information and to find professionals to advocate.
If you have experienced any of these types of losses due to an injury, you could potentially claim damage against the third party. To know if your case qualifies, you would want to hire a lawyer to sort out your claim. They would be able to best advise you on how to proceed and would be on your side throughout the whole hearing process. Injuries cause extra stress on everyday life and you shouldn’t have to live with the unfair consequences. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you maximize the damages in your case.